Correctly sizing motors in a motion control application is more difficult than sizing an AC induction motor because not only must acceleration, deceleration and running torque be taken into account, but also the ability of the servo motor to tightly control the load’s speed, position or torque. This means the peak torque measurements must be […]
FAQs + basics
How to size and select servo systems in eight easy steps
Updated July 2016 by Lisa Eitel || Servo systems provide amazing levels of speed, accuracy, and flexibility in automated equipment when the correct servo is chosen for the application. Unfortunately, choosing the wrong servo can lead to difficulty in tuning, poor accuracy, or underwhelming performance. With so many different servos to choose from, how do […]
How to select and specify stepper motors: A design engineer’s guide
Updated July 2018 || Stepper motors are a good choice for many motion control applications, if they’re selected properly. Here’s a quick review of some key tips for making the right choice. First, define the motion profile. This includes such parameters as required positioning time and acceleration/deceleration time. Related factors include the required positioning increments […]
How to Size and Select a Transducer for Motion Control
A transducer is any device that converts one form of energy into another. It’s also defined as a device that converts a non-electrical quantity into a proportional electrical quantity. Transducers can be used to sense a wide range of different energy forms such as movement, electrical signals, radiant energy, thermal or magnetic energy etc, and […]
What are Wave Springs for Motion Designs? Technical Summary
Updated November 2018 by Lisa Eitel || A wave spring is a compression spring made of coiled flat wire with waves added along the coils to give it a spring effect. They can be used in place of conventional round-wire springs in applications that need tight load deflection. Summary of wave-spring types There are almost as […]
How to Select the Right Kind of Encoder Feedback
Wherever there is motion, an encoder is sure to be found. Encoders may not be as glamorous as the products they go in, but they are critical in today’s complex and sophisticated motion control systems. Because there are so many types of motion control systems, there are a variety of types and styles of encoders. […]
How to size and select bellows couplings for motion applications
Electrodeposited bellows couplings are commonly used in motion-control applications requiring precision but also having shaft misalignment. If your application fits this description, it’s key to understand the parameters that dictate the optimum bellows coupling for a given axis. Here are a few of the key considerations for selecting a bellows coupling. 1. Torque Determine the […]
How to select rotary bearings: A design engineering guide
Rolling bearings in rotating machinery support shaft loads, reduce friction with rolling elements, and provide shaft location and system rigidity. Whether a bearing will be suitable for an application will hinge, in part, on the particular application requirements for the bearing and the bearing’s design features and associated capabilities. When specifying bearings, designers must consider […]
How to size and select a dc motor: A motion engineer’s guide
There are many motor choices on the market today, from heavy-duty AC motors to tiny DC brushless and stepper motors. To select the right motor for the application, users must have a full understanding of the application parameters, including power, speed, torque, physical size, efficiency, lifetime expectations, and other requirements. There have literally been books […]
How to select a cable carrier: A motion engineer’s guide
Selecting the right kind of cable carrier for an application starts with a few simple guidelines. The most important points to consider are the specifics of the application. These include the length of travel, the number of cables or hoses, the size and weight of the cables, the required speed and acceleration and environmental factors […]