Nameplate values stipulate the limits at which a motor or gearmotor can safely operate. To operate the motor either over or under the nameplate rated limit can degrade motor performance and safety. Let’s now review some of these restrictions and the consequences of ignoring them. Tim Oliver, V.P. of Engineering • Bodine Electric Co. Operating […]
Editor Blogs
Best practices for designing automated production lines
The newest generation of factory automation technologies is transforming production lines in every major industry — from consumer-packaged goods and electronics manufacturing to electric vehicles and battery production. As automation technology becomes increasingly sophisticated and connected, manufacturers are exploring new ways to add flexibility, achieve higher productivity, and capture real-time insight across operations. But not […]
Absolute rotary encoders make omnidirectional motion a VR reality
Encoders are critical motion control components that provide feedback on a system’s position and speed. They are used in almost every industry — such as aerospace, robotics, packaging, and textiles — and are building traction in virtual reality (VR) treadmills. VR treadmills let users physically move in real-life space while navigating virtual environments. But unlike […]
Basics of wave and cycloidal gearing for robotics and servo designs
Many of today’s precision applications necessitate gears capable of dramatic speed reductions, power densities, and transmission accuracies. Leading choices in these designs include trochoidal and cycloidal gearing as well as gearsets relying on wave-inducing subcomponents having an elliptical or Reuleaux or other polygonal shape. Trochoidal and cycloidal gearing includes elements that rotate and trace curves around […]
Conveyors support the shift to just-in-case manufacturing
New investments in industrial and manufacturing conveying technologies could reach $65.1B by 2026. That’s according to a new report from Continued push to automate material handling, assembly, and distribution operations are key drivers. Another is the pressure from regulatory changes forcing adoption of conveyors sporting gearless and other energy-efficient motor designs. Still another is […]
Three torque-limiter options compared (and trip torque explained)
Industrial robots, conveyors, wind turbines, machine tools, packaging machines and pumps are just some of the places you’ll find torque limiters. By Lawrence Kren • Contributing writer Torque limiters actuate on the order of milliseconds to prevent overload, shock, and torque spikes that could otherwise damage components or shorten operating life. They also serve in […]
Moog Focal relocates slip-ring production for expansion into renewable energy
Moog Focal, an international ocean technology company based in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, is undertaking further expansion into the renewable energy sector. As a result, the company is hiring to fill different roles that will support their expected growth in renewable energy and other business areas. Moog is relocating the production of a specialized slip […]
Motion Control Tips: The top 5 posts for 2020
An end-of-year tradition here at is to look back at some of our most viewed articles we published on the site throughout the year. This represents what you, our readers, clicked on the most throughout the year. Curiously enough, some of the most-read content in 2020 revolved around electrical and networking topics. We’re not […]
Why eLearning About VFDs (and other technical topics) just may fit the bill
With the current state of the internet and the interconnectivity of devices and equipment, it is in the best interest of any company that wants to optimize the productivity of their associates tasked with technical tasks to take a look at the eLearning available. eLearning offers a wonderful ROI due to its low cost, ease […]
Finalists announced for Motion Control category of LEAP Awards – 2019
Finalists were announced on November 5th for the second annual LEAP Awards Motion Control Category. The competition was scored by a panel of independent engineering judges. Below are descriptions of these worthy Motion Control finalists. The overall winner will be recognized at a ceremony in Santa Clara, Calif. in conjunction with the Healthcare Robotics Engineering […]