JVL Industri Elektronik A/S now offers yet another feature: The latest firmware for the integrated servo motors MAC400 and MAC800 now supports the MODBUS RTU protocol. The implementation supports the Read Holding Registers and Write Multiple Registers commands, which will give R/W access to all motor registers at speeds up to 1 Mbit/s, though typically […]
Stepper Motors
VersaDrive™ Leadscrew Step Motors from USAutomation
LAGUNA HILLS, CA — USAutomation has announced the introduction of the VersaDrive™ Series of fully integrated leadscrew step motors. VersaDrive motors combine a 1.8° hybrid step motor and drive nut system with an integrated leadscrew such that the screw moves axially in the motor as the motor is driven. The VersaDrive is available in both […]
High-Performance Hybrid Stepper Motors from AMETEK
Kent, Oh. – AMETEK Technical and Industrial Products’ new MAE® brand Size 34 (Model HS 200) hybrid stepper motors exhibit superior torque characteristics to power a wide range of industrial equipment applications. Their low detent torque to holding torque ratios deliver smooth and quiet operation and the fine positioning capability required for microstepping. Their top-to-bottom […]
Saia® UAL series Linear Stepper Motors from Johnson Electric
VANDALIA, OH – Johnson Electric introduces Saia® UAL series Linear Stepper Motors. These motors deliver constant positioning force up to 30 N over the full travel distance of up to 15 mm, at speeds up to 4.16 mm/s at 200 Hz. They feature a unique removable bayonet-style flange for easy mounting, a flexible design that […]
High Performance Stepper Gearmotors
Greenville, DE — Servo2Go.com has just added new additions to it’s broad range of high performance cost effective stepper motor product family. The SP Series from Applied Motion Products of Watsonville, CA are NEMA standard 2 phase 1.8 degree hybrid stepper gearmotors which provide high torque in a compact lightweight housing. These offset light duty […]
JVL Integrated Motors
JVL offers compact and versatile integrated motors. They offering connection to a wide range of bus systems such as CANopen, Devicenet and Profibus as well as Wireless Bluetooth, WLAN and Zigbee systems. JVL also offers complete motion control solutions. This includes a wide range of gears that fit directly on the motors for any application: […]
Portescap Guide to High Performance Miniature Motion Solutions
WEST CHESTER, PA – Portescap has available a new full product catalog featuring its complete family of high performance miniature motion solutions. This 290+ page resource details Portescap brushless and brush DC motors, TurboDisc, CanStack, CanStack vector and hybrid stepper motors, gearheads and encoders, as well as drives and electronics. In addition to full product […]
CANopen Option for the Applied Motion’s STAC6 Step Motor Drive
WATSONVILLE, CA – Applied Motion Products announces the CANopen option for the STAC6 Step Motor Drive, building on its increasing range of fieldbus compatible drives. The STAC6 Step Motor Drive has proven itself in demanding applications, such as packaging and labeling machines, delivering up to up to 1400 oz-in with AMPs compatible range of low-loss, […]
Linear Stepper Motors from H2W Technologies
Santa Clarita, CA — Choose an easily integrated, low cost, high performance, 2-phase or 4-phase, linear stepper motor from H2W Technologies to improve the performance of an existing motion control system or create a new high speed, high accuracy system. These, compact, industry standard, 12 lb. Linear Steppers (53 N continuous Force, 16 lbs, 71 […]
Microstepping Step Motor Driver from Lin Engineering
Santa Clara, CA – Lin Engineering announces the release of their new R525 microstepping step motor driver. The R525 is designed to help reduce overall design time and system cost for a wide array of step motor applications needing high torque, power, and smooth motion. The R525 measures just over 3.3″ in length and 1.3″ […]