A range of servo drives, stepper drives and integrated motors from Applied Motion Products now conform to the ODVA specification for EtherNet/IP communications. The ODVA Conformance Program mandates that vendors use a common network interface to ensure interoperability with products from other vendors. Products must pass rigorous testing by an authorized Test Service Provider before being declared ODVA conformant.
ODVA-conformant servo drives, stepper drives, and integrated motors perform their specific positioning, velocity and other motion control tasks while simultaneously exchanging control, I/O and diagnostic data with controllers on the EtherNet/IP network. Users who rely on EtherNet/IP as the backbone of their industrial Ethernet network can speed time-to-market for their machines and end products by specifying ODVA-conformant devices. Users have the freedom to choose products from an international vendor pool and the peace of mind that those products will interoperate in multi-vendor systems.
The line of ODVA-conformant drives and integrated motors from Applied Motion Products includes:
- SV200 Digital Servo Drives: advanced performance and auto-tuning with multiple control options.
- ST Stepper Drives: step motor drives with stall detection, stall prevention, microstep emulation and anti-resonance.
- StepServo Integrated Motors: high-resolution incremental encoders and closed-loop servo firmware combine to create integrated motors that offer the best performance available from a step motor.
For Applied Motion Products’ full line of ODVA-Conformant motion control products visit https://www.applied-motion.com/products/series/ethernetip-products.
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