The new FAULHABER IEH2-4096 integrated encoder offers higher resolution, an expanded operating temperature range and improved speed control, especially in the low speed range. The new model lengthens the motor by just 1.4 mm and can be combined with numerous precious metal commutated DC micro motors. Because these are used in very small machines and assemblies, size plays a decisive role.
With the IEH2-4096, the previous components – sensor and circuit – are replaced by one single chip Hall module. This newly developed circuit board is more thermally robust than the previously used magneto resistive sensors and integrated circuits. As a result, the operating temperature range could be expanded considerably to -40 to +100 degrees Celsius. At 4096 pulses, the encoder has a resolution four times higher than the previous model, which leads to improved control dynamics. The new encoder also offers improved speed control, particularly at low speeds. In spite of these numerous technical developments, the IEH2-4096 remains mechanically compatible with the previous models.
The FAULHABER IEH2-4096 integrated encoder can be used in a wide range of applications, including measurement devices, valve systems (camera technology), and mirror positioning or lens/filter adjustment (precision optics). These application areas are characterized by sophisticated engineering in which the individual components cannot occupy much space. The IEH2 4096 integrated encoder satisfies these requirements.
The ground breaking encoder can be combined with precious metal commutated motors with diameters from 15 to 22 mm, and the encoder will lengthen them by just 1.4 mm. Encoders with a separate attachment housing require several times more installation space. Product Manager, Volker Hausladen (with Dr. Fritz Faulhaber, GmbH & Co. KG), states “With the IEH2-4096, we have continued the miniaturization and brought it to a new technological level.”
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