POSITAL (www.posital.com) has unveiled optimized PROFINET I/O encoders that support RT, IRT and NRT data transfer (isochronous real-time/real-time/non-real-time).
Featuring an Ertec200-based platform, the improved encoders delivers cycle times as low as 10 ms (RT) and 1 ms (IRT). With a diameter of just 58 mm, the compact devices are parameterized through the control system while a GSDML device file facilitates its configuration.
Aside from eliminating the need for connection cap, the new encoders do not require switches or terminating resistors for address allocation. Since it is shorter than most Industrial Ethernet encoders offered in the market, the new encoders can be utilized in various applications that require limited installation space. The encoders are available in two options — the solid shaft version or the hollow version.
To record position value, the PROFINET I/O models employs a proven opto-electronic scanning method similar to those used in OPTOCODE encoders. In single-turn mode, the sensor delivers a resolution of 16 bit per revolution, while the multi-turn sensor achieves a maximum revolution of 16.384 (14 bit).
The new encoders are ideal for use in applications in packaging technology, automotive body construction and standard machine construction. The retention of the device profile management allows easy migration from the current Profibus systems to the new standard.
Specifically designed for temperature ranging from -40°C to +85°C, the units provide the side of the housing IP67 protection, while the shaft side is also provided with IP64 protection.
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