One of the largest gatherings of young people with the skill sets and ambition industrial distributors seek in their entry-level employees is SkillsUSA, held annually in Louisville, Ky. For the past five years, Industrial Careers Pathway (ICP) has been there to make sure participants and their influencers know about the incredibly rewarding careers awaiting them when the time is right.
ICP staff and Sarah McGuire, a local volunteer from Air Hydro Power, a member of ICP Alliance Partner NAHAD-The Association for Hose and Accessories Distribution spent time at SkillsUSA, June 20-22, 2017. Sarah said she enjoyed her experience at SkillsUSA so much that she volunteered to talk with more students, so ICP will be searching for events in her local area. At SkillsUSA students compete in various hands-on events like welding and CNC operations. Sarah said, “These young people are focused, want to work and are getting themselves positioned to find a hands-on job when they graduate. These are exactly the kind of entry-level employees we are looking for.”
ICP also works to influence their influencers. Jamie Shanley and Greg Dormaier of Western Belting–BDI, a member of PTDA, assisted ICP staff at the American School Counselor Association meeting in Denver, July 8-10. More than 3,000 counselors from across the country attended the event and over 200 of them stopped by the ICP booth to hear about the career opportunities available in industrial distribution (ID). Jamie brought some products along to assist in explaining what a sales career in industrial distribution looks like. She said, “I really enjoyed letting educators know about all the great career options in our field. I can’t believe how many educators are unaware of this option for their students. It felt good to provide them with another opportunity for their technical-minded students.”
To help both students and educators discover how someone’s personality would lend itself to a career path in ID, ICP used its TEAM ID superheroes at both meetings through the Team ID Superhero quiz, available on the ICP website. Those who took the quiz received a t-shirt featuring all four Team ID characters. ICP follows up with interested influencers to schedule new opportunities such as classroom talks, company tours and internships to spread the word about incredibly rewarding careers in the industrial distribution field.
Industrial Careers Pathway
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