PBC Linear (Pacific Bearing Company) announced that its Applied Cobotics Cobot Feeder, a CNC machine feeding application kit which delivers and stages parts to be placed into a machining process, has received Universal Robots+ (UR+) partner certification from Universal Robots (UR). The Applied Cobotics Cobot Feeder includes a base storage and retrieval unit with a […]
pbc linear
Leadscrews lead in 3D printing, manufacturing, and medical designs
Leadscrews are a staple of motion designs, driving axes on machines big and small. They usually sport higher ratings than comparable ballscrews thanks to more contact between the nut and screw load surfaces. Now, innovations in materials and helix geometry address old issues associated with leadscrew friction, bringing it down to better than 0.10 in […]
PBC Linear Actuator Gives Green Energy a Lift
In an economy that is gearing more towards green energy, PBC Linear is helping lay down the initial framework. Utilizing the high-accuracy PLA linear actuator, a cutting edge US company that manufactures silicon ingots from solar furnaces is able to sustain smooth, quiet and long-lasting operation for the their specially designed furnace damper that controls […]