The famous Mount Washington Cog Railway in New Hampshire has been transporting visitors to the highest peak in the Northeastern US since 1869. At the summit, 6,288 ft above sea level, the mountain experiences some of the most extreme weather conditions in the world with wind chill temperatures down to -102°F. A directly measured surface […]
New Marland BCMA backstop now has an automatic lubrication system
Marland Clutch now offers an automatic grease lubrication system that eliminates the need to manually grease the labyrinth seals of its Marland BCMA backstops. In many instances, Marland BCMA backstops are located in difficult-to-reach areas making regular grease maintenance very difficult. By installing the new automatic lubrication system, regular grease maintenance is performed, but no […]
Brakes and clutches: Top trends in IoT — and uses on ac-motor conveyors and servodesigns
Clutches and brakes work in motion systems to stop or hold or index axes — but must do so to application specifications. No wonder then that the trend in this technology is away strictly stock parts. According to Lesli Riehemann, president at Mach III Clutch Inc., customized brakes and clutches are now 75 to 80% […]
Warner XS-Series brake applications: Quiet and powerful braking in airline seats and more
XS-Series spring-actuated electrically released brakes from Warner Electric — part of the Altra Industrial Motion Corp. — are specifically designed to meet stringent compactness requirements in weight-sensitive applications. They boost reliable braking performance in a package weighing as little as 27 g. The XS brakes are also statically engaged holding so can stop moving loads in […]