Designed for even greater flexibility and a wide range of applications, the new 1218 SXR and 1228 SXR dc motors expand FAULHABER’s proven dc motor portfolio and set new standards in performance and versatility for miniature drive systems. The new SXR motors offer standard higher performance and a broader range of configuration options to meet […]
New motion controllers for four different motor technologies
Now, new MC 3602 B and MC 3606 B motion controllers simplify the selection and commissioning of drive systems. With encoders, these compact MC 3602/06 B controllers serve as servodrives in accordance with CiA 402 to command various DC motors, brushless DC motors, and linear motors. The controllers are also compatible with stepper motors (with […]
Micro drives bring dynamics into handling
Small dc micro drives bring dynamics into handling applications, such as swiveling-rotary modules Miniature drives and microdrives are used in virtually all areas of automation technology and have a correspondingly wide variety of applications. These range from medical technology and laboratory automation as well as general machine construction and intralogistics through to aerospace applications. In […]
Incremental encoder from FAULHABER features high resolution and accuracy
With the launch of the IEP3, FAULHABER expands its product line with an incremental encoder which, thanks to the latest chip technology, achieves a high resolution and accuracy. With a diameter of just 8 mm, the IEP3 is lightweight and compact yet still offers a resolution of up to 10,000 lines per revolution – made […]
Small and speedy wins the race
Fast-paced warehouse operations demand extensive automation, which is inconceivable without micromotors. Faulhaber weighs in on intralogistics robots and how drive system capabilities influence their design. Modern intralogistics technologies place high demands on drive systems. In many instances, drives must release tremendous force in confined spaces and perform precise positioning tasks in continuous or stop-and-go operations. […]
Miniature controllers from FAULHABER control a range of dc motors
The new MC 3001 are unhoused versions of the FAULHABER motion controllers and, by means of the integrated output stage with optimized current measurement, can control dc micromotors, linear dc servomotors or brushless dc motors from the company’s product line from 6 to 30 mm. With an overall height from 2.6 mm and a format […]
Multiturn absolute encoders with line driver feature integrated referencing
In combination with brushless dc servomotors, the new magnetic AEMT-12/16 L absolute encoder from FAULHABER delivers absolute angle information with a preset multi-turn resolution of 16 bits (65,536 revolutions) and a single-turn resolution of 12 bits (4,096 steps) for commutation, speed control and motion control. This position data can be queried by an SSI Interface […]
Triad of torque, speed and precision applications
Many applications require drive solutions that have a central opening through which, e.g., light, cables or parts of the application can be guided. Examples of this can be found in optics and photonics for laser steering systems or in automation and robotics for semiconductor handling systems. Until now, conventional systems always resulted in compromises here. […]
Micro motors give robotic hand a boost
Among the changes to small motor design over the years has been the use of powerful rare-earth magnets to increase power density, making for smaller and more powerful motors. These motors are finding their way into medical devices, robotics, as well as the intersection of these two. Case in point; a robotic glove. Ironhand from […]
Brochure highlights drive technology for medical applications
A new publication from FAULHABER titled “Drive Systems for Healthcare, Medical & Laboratory Equipment” presents medical technology applications and the corresponding optimum drives and accessories. The coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19, continue to have the world firmly in its grip. The number of people who have fallen ill and who have tested positive […]