TB Wood’s now offers more enhancements to its online Belted Drive Selection Program at beltdriveselector.tbwoods.com. The improved online program now checks the arm/web strength of a sheave/sprocket along with the bushing torque rating for suitability of the application.
The program will now automatically drop bushing solutions with torque ratings that are obviously inappropriate. The program will also notify the user to Evaluate Peak Torque Applied to the Bushing to verify acceptability of the application for bushing solutions that are marginal. Similarly, the program will also check the sheave and sprocket arm and web strength to determine if the selected sheave or sheaves are acceptable …
… and will automatically drop all inappropriate solutions.
TB Wood’s is the only manufacturer that currently offers a belted drive online selection tool that checks for both criteria. The new features provide peace of mind to users as it helps to prevent the design of drives where the metal components are not properly sized. This issue has become increasingly important as belt manufacturers frequently increase belt capacity, but new metal products are not being designed to accommodate those larger torque capacities.
The enhanced web-based tool works on PC, tablet or Mac platforms. Users can display Relative and Quote pricing. Favorite belted solutions can more easily be marked, shared and recalled.
TB Wood’s comprehensive Selector Program includes Classic, Narrow, Light-Duty and Premium V-Belt Drives and Synchronous Plus, QT Power Chain, Power Chain II Carbon and Timing Synchronous Drives.
TB Wood’s offers a wide range of innovative, high-performance belted drive solutions including synchronous drives, V-belt drives, belted variable speed drives and made-to-order sheaves and sprockets. TB Wood’s comprehensive foundry operations are capable of producing gray and ductile iron parts to satisfy most customers’ casting requirements quickly and efficiently.
TB Wood’s couplings work in many key markets including food & beverage, energy, wastewater, concrete, metals, pulp & paper and material handling on applications such as conveyor systems, rolling mills, pumps, compressors, palletizers, de-barkers, printing equipment, fans & blowers, machine tools, and mixers.
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