We cover a wide variety of topics here at motioncontroltips.com — from Industrial Ethernet and networking to springs and shock absorbers. So, naturally, our most-read articles typically span a wide range of subjects. But 2021 was a bit different, with all but one article being related to motors, and more than half of the articles being specifically about DC motors. This — together with the fact that several of the top articles on our sister site, linearmotiontips.com, were also related to motors — demonstrates how important it is for designers and engineers in motion control to understand how motors operate. (Fortunately, we have an entire “Motors” category on our site, where you can search for articles related any motor technology — from servo motors to piezo motors.)
For a recap of the specific topics that were most important our readers this year, here are the top 10 motion control tips articles for 2021.
#10: The relationship between voltage and DC motor output speed
The operation of a DC motor is relatively straightforward. A coil is placed in a magnetic field, and when an electric current passes through the coil, torque is produced, causing the motor to turn. The speed at which the motor turns is directly related to the source voltage.
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